It's certainly been a while since my last blog, I have been busy creating new pieces of art work to show you. I've invested in a quality printer that can print onto canvas and print up to A3 size. So I have been getting used to all this new technology and figuring out how best to use it with my images.
I decided to invest in an Epson SC p700 as I had so much imagery and paintings that I'd like to revisit and expand on. When I was creating my Bijou cards, which came from my child portrait drawings and sketches, I was struggling with getting the quality of print that I wanted, I had a great scanner but my printer was not up to the job.
Although I'm still in the early stages of using this printer, I'll show you some of what I have achieved so far.
I can now really go to town on embellishing my images by adding so much detail and decorative qualities. I really do get to add a 'je ne sais quoi' Maybe my own style and essence is evident more in these pieces of art. This aims to offer me more antonymy in my work and what I produce in the future. I am excited to see where this will take me.

My studio in the garage has been extremely cold so I have stolen a room in the house and commandeered it as a second studio, a lovely clean space to work in. It's a cosy little nook, peaceful and most of all warm.
